Day in the life

Welcome into my home.

I’m often usually so busy documenting other family’s lives that I forget about recording my own. Inspired by the Phlock Photography Community, I spent last Sunday capturing the little details of my own life, and you can see how I’ve got on in the gallery below!

Grab your phone and have a go

I’m a big believer in having photographs to look back on, even if it’s just a standard, normal day with nothing special going on. You never know when you might need those everyday, ordinary memories to hand - they’re often the most precious.

Here’s some tips to help you get started:

  • Working within a restrictive parameter can make things fun! You might decide to take one photo every hour, on the hour. Or you might want to focus on just using black and white, like I’ve done below.

  • Think about what makes a good story. What’s the story you want to tell? Which order makes sense to you - from when you get up, through to when you go to bed?

  • Use composition techniques like the rule of thirds, framing, leading lines, and negative space.

  • Think about how you can include yourself in the frame!

  • Use apps like Snapseed to edit your photos, you could even get fancy with some double exposures!

Been inspired by this documentary style?

I can’t wait to get back to family documentary work. I’m currently taking bookings for specially discounted family reunion shoots which will take place between 21 June and 31 July 2021.


family reunion photography shoots


Making of us begins